AMARASI: JURNAL DESAIN KOMUNIKASI VISUAL 2024-01-25T03:50:43+00:00 Alit Kumala Dewi Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Amarasi: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual</strong> is a national journal that focuses on publishing scientific articles from lecturers and students. The scope of the journal consists of reports on the results of the design or creation of works of art in the form of scientific works, studies of various arts and cultural phenomena, with the scope of studies in advertising, graphic design, digital multimedia, animation, comics, cartoons, photography, games, movies, videos</p> REDESAIN LOGO VOLUMINA DI JANJI DESIGN LAB 2023-12-20T06:40:15+00:00 I Made Sapta Wiliandika Cokorda Alit Artawan I Gusti Ngurah Wirawan <p style="text-align: justify; margin: 12.0pt 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;">The MBKM internship/work practice program organized by ISI Denpasar is an opportunity given to students, especially from the DKV study program, to try and explore visual design in the business/industrial world. The issue raised in this article is the redesign of the Volumina logo, which is brand audio visual services. The problem faced by Volumina is that the logo does not yet give a strong impression of a brand which focuses on audio visuals. One of the studios that provides services branding, especially logo design, namely Janji Design Lab, which is located at Taman Muding Mekar Housing Complex, Blok D No. 27B, Kerobokan, North Kuta, Badung, Bali. During the MBKM internship/work practice activities, the author received several projects related to visual communication design, such as photography, social media content design, motion graphic, and redesigning a logo brand, namely Volumina which focuses on the audio visual services sector. The method used in redesigning the Volumina logo was qualitative descriptive research by observing visual data owned by Volumina and interviews with owner Volume. The next detailed stage is creating a mind map, moodboard, visual keyword, and applying the logo to the media using its mockup. All these stages were carried out in order to create a new Volumina logo that gives a strong impression as brand audio visual services and achieving marketing strategies to the audience.</span></p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Made Sapta Wiliandika, Cokorda Alit Artawan, I Gusti Ngurah Wirawan PERANCANGAN KOMUNIKASI VISUAL PENGENALAN TOKOH PERJUANGAN KEMERDEKAAN SUMATERA SELATAN TERHADAP MASYARAKAT KOTA PALEMBANG 2023-12-20T06:35:47+00:00 Adel Ari Darmawan Yosef Yulius Heri Iswandi <p><em>South Sumatra is one of the provinces in Indonesia which has various stories behind its independence, one of which is the services of the South Sumatran freedom fighters. There were several freedom fighters from South Sumatra, such as Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, A.K Gani, A.M Thalib, Captain A. Rivai, Col. H Barlian, Harun Sohar, Hasan Kasim, Bambang Utoyo, Abdul Rozak and Dr. Mass. of the many figures of the South Sumatran Independence Fighters, there are very rarely fragments of stories that introduce these fighters. This is due to the very limited media that help introduce the South Sumatra independence fighters such as children's books that tell information about fighters and fragments of the stories of South Sumatran fighters. the community is no longer bound by offline media such as books and so on and the lack of interest from the public to get to know these South Sumatran independence fighters is due to the lack of interesting media for the public to see. Therefore, it is necessary to design visual communication to introduce South Sumatran independence fighters to the people of Palembang city so that it can become a medium for introducing the various stories and figures behind independence in South Sumatra, especially in the city of Palembang. So that the identity of the figures of the South Sumatran freedom fighters is not lost and forgotten and awakens a sense of pride and nationalism for the people of South Sumatra.</em></p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 adel ari darmawan, Yosef Yulius, Heri Iswandi PERANCANGAN KOMIK DARI BUKU FILOSOFI TERAS OLEH HENRY MANAMPIRING SEBAGAI MEDIA INFORMASI FILSAFAT STOIKISME UNTUK GENERASI Z 2023-12-28T01:25:51+00:00 Rio Hadiwijoyo Lucas Crisdi <p>In this modern era, Indonesian people easily feel worried and anxious about life. This is also triggered by the flood of easily accessible information which makes people easily anxious. This excessive anxiety can disrupt an individual's quality of life. Therefore, a strong outlook on life is needed to fight it all. Teras Philosophy is a book written by Henry Manampiring, discussing the philosophy of Stoicism which is more than 2000 years old. One of the philosophies of this view is the importance of distinguishing between things that are within our control and outside our control. However, the philosophy of Stoicism is still a topic that is not common among the public, so there is a need for other media to provide information regarding the understanding of this philosophy. One of the media that can be used is visual media so that it can be easily digested by the public. Based on that, it is necessary to design visual media to increase information about the philosophy of Stoicism. In this final work, the author uses qualitative research methods to obtain the necessary data. The design of this comic aims to disseminate information about the philosophy of Stoicism. As a result of this research, the author created comics that are interesting and acceptable to Generation Z. There are also print and digital media promotional designs in the form of posters, x-banners, and digital content for social media. In adapting the book Teras Philosophy, comics can be serialized to cover all the chapters in the book. So the comic work will be more complete and complete.</p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rio Hadiwijoyo, Lucas Crisdi PERANCANGAN BUKU CERITA “MADE & SEPEDA TUA” BERBASIS AR TENTANG BULLYING DI MADEBLEZ STUDIO 2023-12-20T06:43:03+00:00 I Made Hendra Cokorda Alit Artawan I Nengah Sudika Negara <p><em>Bullying</em> is a negative behavior carried out by a stronger party against a weaker one, using or not using tools, with the aim of causing them to feel pressured, both physically and emotionally (M. Miftahuddin Al Amin, 2018:12). <em>Bullying</em> behavior has become a common occurrence among children, resulting in long-term psychological impacts on individuals. There is a need for a medium that can be used to educate about the effects of <em>bullying</em> and how to cope with it. The illustrated storybook "Old Bike and Si Made's Spirit" addresses this topic to showcase the impact of <em>bullying</em> and how to confront it, based on the author's own experiences as a victim during childhood and adolescence. The story revolves around Made, who comes from an underprivileged family and becomes the subject of ridicule by peers. Despite this, Made competes in a cycling championship, demonstrating his abilities to everyone. The research method used to obtain the necessary data is qualitative research through interviews, participant, observation, documentation, and literature review. The result of this project is an A4-sized illustrated storybook with 15 scenes, incorporating Augmented Reality technology on its cover.</p> <p> </p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Made Hendra, Cokorda Alit Artawan, I Nengah Sudika Negara PERANCANGAN IDENTITAS VISUAL PADA BRAND BAKERY BITE BALI DI JALAN SUNSET ROAD KUTA, BALI 2023-12-20T06:38:25+00:00 Nugraha Natabuana I Wayan Nuriarta Arya Pageh Wibawa <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Bite Bali is a bakery &amp; dessert cafe from Bali located on Sunset Road, Seminyak, Badung. The competitor is quite tight with a similar business concept, Bite Bali has its own advantages and uniqueness, namely their special menu of pastry croissants with various choices of flavors. Not only the menu, the interior design of the Bite Bali shop is also no less interesting to visit. However, all of this uniqueness is considered insufficient to compete with other competing brands which are increasingly emerging with the same business concept. The Bite Bali brand has shortcomings in terms of visual branding, such as colors, typography and illustrations that do not yet have a consistent visual brand identity. Therefore, it is necessary to design a strong visual identity for the Bite Bali brand to further strengthen their brand awareness so that it has a distinctive image. This will help to build customer perceptions of the Bite Bali brand to be stronger, easier to remember and known and able to compete with other competitors. This project uses Alina Wheeler's creation method with five stages of conducting research, clarifying strategy, designing identity, creating contact points, and managing assets. The data collection technique using a qualitative descriptive method, namely collecting data through four methods, namely interviews, observation, documentation and literature study. This project produces a brand's visual identity, such as logo, colors, typography and illustrations. After that, the brand's visual identity is consistently applied to the required commercial media design such as posters, menus, loyalty cards, stickers and social media content.</em></p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nugraha Natabuana, I Wayan Nuriarta, Arya Pageh Wibawa PERANCANGAN MOTION GRAPHIC UNTUK MEDIA PROMOSI MERCHANDISE SOYL BALI STUDIO 2023-12-21T10:12:15+00:00 I Putu Adi Wira Palguna Arya Pageh Wibawa Eldiana Tri Narulita <p>SOYL Bali Studio is a media partner that operates in the music industry and creates podcasts and live sessions in the form of videos uploaded on the YouTube platform and is also active on Instagram to share the activities they are carrying out and is now starting to develop with the addition of several divisions such as SOYL Merch and SOYL Records. The merchandise that SOYL made was previously intended only as souvenirs for guest stars, and now the merchandise wants to be sold to the public and SOYL podcast viewers, so the role of innovative promotional media is needed in the creative and business industries to build brand image, attract customer attention , and survive in tough competition. To overcome this competition, new and different promotional content is needed compared to the use of photos as content that is commonly used, the use of animated motion graphics as a form of promotional media can be different and can be a special attraction. Motion graphics are a combination of moving images and audio-visual elements, such as text, sound, illustrations, photos and videography. In designing motion graphics, it starts from the exploration, improvisation, and formation stages. This design includes the use of a creation method based on the Hawkins concept and its application in designing motion graphics for promotional media for SOYL Bali Studio merchandise. In addition, it discusses the role of management in the creative process at SOYL Bali Studio, with a focus on the effective use of human and other resources. Study/Independent Project at SOYL Bali Studio combines learning about management and creating motion graphic promotional content to support the promotion of SOYL Merch merchandise on social media.</p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wira, Arya Pageh Wibawa, Eldiana Tri Narulita PERANAN DESAIN KEMASAN PRODUK DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEMASARAN USAHA MIKRO KECIL MENENGAH (UMKM) PADA PROGRAM BEDAH DESAIN KEMASAN 2023 - BATCH 14, SEMARANG (BEDAKAN) 2023-12-20T06:52:14+00:00 Rambo Moersid Ahmad Faiz <p>The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Baparekraf is working to provide economic opportunities for 25 creative economy actors. As a part of this effort, the Visual Communication Design Study Program Association (Asprodi) is facilitating an activity that involves its lecturers and students to help strengthen UMKM products, particularly in terms of packaging design. The goal is to find solutions to the packaging-related problems faced by business actors through the study of Visual Communication Design. The method used to achieve this is descriptive qualitative research, which includes data collection through direct discussions with representatives of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Asprodi DKV, and related UMKM entrepreneurs. The researchers then created label and initial packaging designs before finalizing the packaging design. As a result of this research, a new label and packaging design for “Sambal Kehidupan” was created.</p> <p> </p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rambo Moersid, Ahmad Faiz HOMO LUDENS & PINK PASTEL; AKSI DRAMA DALAM FILM EKSPERIMENTAL DENGAN PENDEKATAN ABJECT ART 2023-12-20T06:37:10+00:00 Eka Wahyu Primadani Eka Wahyu Primadani Sito Fossy Biosa Waret Khunacharoensap <p>Abstract art has penetrated the world of film. Taboo things and disgusting actions are present forcing the spectators to enjoy them with this statement of art movement. This phenomenon emerged and art writers studied it, until they succeeded in drawing a common thread about the relationship between Homo Ludens (playing humans), drama and film with artistic research (based on artistic practice); example: drama and action-acting always have cases that are never finished being discussed in film works, especially in the experimental film movement. Things that arise from the "ego" of the artist (director) become material to be dissected from a broad perspective, good and bad, positive and negative, acceptance to rejection, involving discussions related to disturbing effects that cannot be separated from elements of rejection of the works. "Elegant and neat", especially when discussing art or artistic works of an abstract or subjective nature, shows something that challenges the limits of normality, which is another normality that should be accepted by "new audiences". Describes a structure or system that can refer to something that specifically questions aesthetics, physicality, looks rude, bad gestures are taboo to be not taboo, satirizes institutions, degrades, demeans, protests, or is sarcastic towards people who live normal lives. The identity of his work is formed through a process of resistance that produces clearly delineated action-reaction deviations between different circumstances. This shows how we can interpret "bad" aesthetics, full of suffering from the experiences of the people around us, presented in action drama works with characteristics such as something disgusting, strange or strange, closeness to something with a satirical nuance, is an important component of a critical statement by the director of the film PINK PASTEL to activate awareness of opposing perceptions from an optimistic attitude about changes in drama narrative styles, to further exploring in films from increasingly intelligent spectators, ambitions against conventional or normal action-drama at the level of normality. general reality</p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Wahyu Primadani Eka Wahyu Primadani, Sito Fossy Biosa, Waret Khunacharoensap PERANCANGAN MEDIA KOMUNIKASI VISUAL UNTUK MEMPROMOSIKAN GRAND OPENING TOKO ALFAMART GUNUNG SANGHYANG 270 2023-12-20T07:14:50+00:00 Ethan Gaita Salam I Gusti Ngurah Wirawan Gede Bayu Segara Putra <p><em>PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk. Bali Branch has the aim of introducing the company's image through the Grand Opening of Alfamart stores in various areas of Bali so that it is present and affordable closer to consumers. Currently the growth of Alfamart Bali Branch in opening outlets in every corner of Bali is increasing, one of which is the Grand Opening of Alfamart Gunung Sanghyang 270 on Jl. Gunung Sanghyang, Kel. Kerobokan Kaja, Kec. North Kuta, Kab. Badung, Bali which was held on October 18, 2023. So the role of a Visual Communication Design (DKV) student who can design promotional media by applying the concepts or theories that have been learned while participating in learning on campus is needed. By conducting interviews, observation, and documentation methods to obtain data that helps in carrying out real projects such as the Grand Opening of Alfamart Gunung Sanghyang 270 store, promotional media can be used to expand the target market and build public awareness of the existence of the nearest Alfamart.</em></p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ethan Gaita Salam, I Gusti Ngurah Wirawan, Gede Bayu Segara Putra PERANCANGAN MEDIA INTERAKTIF DENGAN KARTUN BLELOZZ SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF PENGGANTI KETERGANTUNGAN BALITA TERHADAP GADGET DI MADE BLEZ STUDIO 2023-12-21T10:09:56+00:00 I Dewa Gede Agung Mulyawan I Nengah Sudika Negara Agus Ngurah Arya Putraka <p>Gadgets are one of the technological developments that are used equally in all age groups, including children under 5 years old. The use of gadgets in toddlers can interfere with the natural development process. The excessive application of gadgets without a portion that is balanced with direct interaction from parents and their environment causes dependence in children which of course affects them physically and psychologically. The descriptive qualitative method was chosen because the process of obtaining data is focused on problems based on facts carried out by observation, interviews, literature and supported by documentation obtained directly in the field. From the observations that have been made with the aforementioned methods, it is found that gadget addiction is caused by a lack of playing facilities and parenting provided by parents, so the design of interactive media is considered appropriate as an alternative to replace toddlers' dependence on gadgets.</p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Dewa Gede Agung Mulyawan, I Nengah Sudika Negara, Agus Ngurah Arya Putraka PERANCANGAN KARAKTER FEMALE SCI-FI DENGAN MODEL VISUAL 3D DALAM GAME ECLIPSE OF THE UNDEAD DI PT. MIRACLE GRUP INDONESIA 2023-12-20T06:56:01+00:00 Evelien Lee Ida Ayu Dwita Krisna Ari Gede Bayu Segara Putra <p>Several years ago, games were associated with playing outside with friends, going on adventures, and doing physical activities that improved children's motor skills. However, today video games are better known than traditional games, with fun applications that can be played on various devices. The world is developing; 2D visuals are still used with more impressive animations and brilliant colours that are pleasing to the eye, but the new visual form, namely 3D, is no less interesting. Various ideas from digital game producers are expressed in visual form in the form of 2D and 3D, but as time goes by 3D visuals are gaining a wider audience. PT. Miracle Group Indonesia, which was founded in 2014, empowers 3D Artists to design various 3D models with realistic, stylized, and cartoon styles. Currently, PT. Miracle Group Indonesia is in the game development stage, Battle of Guardians which has been launched on the Steam platform on PC. Apart from Battle of Guardians, PT. Miracle Group Indonesia is also in the development stage of various new video games; Eclipse of the Undead is one of them. Eclipse of the Undead is a video game with 3D visuals that takes the player as the main character in a post-pandemic world that has filled the world with zombies and monsters. To increase knowledge in character design with 3D visual models and as proof that Indonesian children can also compete and are indeed capable of creating 3D models/assets like other countries, this writing is expected to provide significant new knowledge.</p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Evelien Lee, Ida Ayu Dwita Krisna Ari, Gede Bayu Segara Putra PERANCANGAN KONTEN MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM SEBAGAI MEDIA INFORMASI DAN MEDIA PROMOSI DI GRAHA KITA 18 2023-12-20T06:56:57+00:00 Yefta Novfensia Elyanto Ni Luh Desi In Diana Sari I Nyoman Larry Julianto <p><em>Technology which always growing in the digital era has given people the ability to connect more easily through social media. Social media opens up opportunities for companies to communicate and promote their business through it to other people/audiences. One of the companies in Bali called Graha Kita 18, is a company engaged in home building needs, has utilized social media as their main promotional media to communicate and promote its products and services. The design of social media content at Graha Kita 18 is done through Instagram and Graha Kita 18 has a strategy where social media content is planned and published on a monthly basis. The social media content designed in Graha Kita 18 is based on two pillars of content, which is educational content and product knowledge to achieve audience and potentional customers reach out and awareness of Graha Kita 18 through social media.</em></p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yefta Novfensia Elyanto, Ni Luh Desi In Diana Sari, I Nyoman Larry Julianto PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH GAWAI MENJADI PRODUK DENGAN NILAI SENTIMENTAL DALAM PENDIRIAN USAHA RINTISAN BINGKAI JADOEL PROJECT 2023-12-20T06:54:58+00:00 I Made Mardawa Pradnya Ananda I Wayan Swandi Anak Agung Gde Bagus udayana <p>With the rapid development and innovation in the world of Indonesian gadgets, manufacturers are starting to present a selection of cheap gadgets with modern specifications that can easily attract consumers' attention in Indonesia. However, this is often a reason for consumers to replace their devices when the latest variant is released to the public, either because they feel bored or the device they are using is old/outdated, or because the cheap price means the device cannot last long. This creates quite a serious problem because only a small portion of old gadgets can be reused and most of these gadgets end up as waste which can be dangerous to health because of the chemicals contained in the waste gadgets. However, the problem of gadget waste also presents several business opportunities, especially for those who pursue business in the creative industry. One form of product produced from processing this waste is the <em>Teardown Frame</em>. How this type of product can become a business opportunity in building a start-up business is the main priority of this research, a qualitative approach method is used to collect the necessary data and information, through Observation, Literature, Interviews, and Participants which helps the author in determining what business model is appropriate for this business as well as the production flow of the <em>Teardown Frame</em> product. Through this approach method, it can be concluded that this type of business has a fairly narrow market segment with a focus on the group/community of old-school goods enthusiasts as the main market segment, where the main quality offered is the nostalgic feeling of the product.</p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Made Mardawa Pradnya Ananda, I Wayan Swandi, Anak Agung Gde Bagus udayana