JURNAL DESAIN KOMUNIKASI VISUAL2024-07-24T15:16:28+00:00Gede Bayu Segara Journal Systems<p><strong>Amarasi: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual</strong> is a national journal that focuses on publishing scientific articles from lecturers and students. The scope of the journal consists of reports on the results of the design or creation of works of art in the form of scientific works, studies of various arts and cultural phenomena, with the scope of studies in advertising, graphic design, digital multimedia, animation, comics, cartoons</p> RIGGING PADA KARAKTER 3D AMICO2024-06-07T04:16:44+00:00Wisnu<p>A spherical robot named Amico serves as the mascot for the 63rd anniversary celebration of ITS. Amico's design as a sphere embodies a concept of greater flexibility compared to other geometric objects, representing high mobility. The challenge lies in configuring the rigging of the spherical object to move in all directions (X, Y, and Z axes) without distorting the three-dimensional model. The method used involves experimentation with adding parameter properties to selected bones. The complexity of rigging varies according to specific needs of each 3D character. To avoid gimbal lock, where two rotational axes become aligned, complicating rotation for animators, particularly for ball-based 3D characters, multiple layers of bone hierarchy are used. Creating multiple layers of hierarchical control helps reduce the likelihood of gimbal lock. Parameter properties offer more control options for 3D objects. In terms of time efficiency, these parameters automate certain aspects of animation, such as scale changes and geometric shape alterations, regardless of the object's movement and rotation. These changes make the visualization of 3D objects appear more dynamic by adhering to animation principles such as stretch and squash. Simply put, parameter properties serve as centralized controls, allowing animators to manage and coordinate multiple elements from a single point (parameter properties), thus making control management and coordination more efficient.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Wisnu Wijaya, Nugrahardi Ramadhani KARAKTER ANIMASI CALON ARANG UNTUK YOUTUBE HNS STUDIO2024-07-11T01:47:51+00:00I Kadek Wahyudi Putra Wahyudikadekwahyudiputra2002@gmail.comI Gede Agus Indram Bayu Arthakadekwahyudiputra2002@gmail.comPutu Gede Satria<p>The role of animated characters is part of the animation creation process, where character design plays an important role in depicting each character contained in an animation later. This project discusses the design of the animated character Calon Arang for HNS Studio YouTube, where the designer starts from the brainstorming, sketching, contouring and coloring process. There are several methods used in this design, namely the participation method, observation method and documentation method. The results of this approach produce characters such as Calon Arang, Ratna Manggali, Mpu Baradah, Mpu Bahula, Raja Erlangga, Patih, Sisya and the character of an assassin, of course adding aspects of innovation but still steeped in tradition.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Kadek Wahyudi Putra Wahyudi, I Gede Agus Indram Bayu Artha, Putu Gede Satria Kharismawan ASSET CREATION UNTUK CONTENT INSTAGRAM PIXLI STUDIO2024-07-11T01:50:27+00:00Luh Putu Diah Candra Paramitadiahcandra28@gmail.comI Gusti Ngurah Wirawandiahcandra28@gmail.comNi Ketut Rini<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This article discusses the author's experience during an internship at Pixli Studio, a company in the creative industry specializing in animation, illustration, and graphic design. The internship, which took place from February 19 to June 17, 2024, aimed to deepen understanding and practical skills in asset creation for Instagram content. The asset creation process includes several stages: sketching, outlining, and coloring, all done using Clip Studio Paint software. Pixli Studio, founded in 2021 by I Gede William Sedana Putra, offers various creative services including animation, story and visual development, and graphic design. During the internship, the author was directly involved in the creation of visual assets such as characters and backgrounds, designed for promotional content on the studio's Instagram. The methods used in the internship included observation, interviews, and documentation. Observations were made through direct monitoring at the studio, interviews with the CEO and team, and documentation of the work process as reference material. The outcome of the internship was various visual assets used for promotional content on Pixli Studio's Instagram, which underwent periodic evaluation to ensure quality and alignment with the studio's branding. This internship experience provided the author with significant insights and practical skills in the field of visual communication design, particularly in asset creation and creative studio management. Additionally, the internship strengthened the collaboration between academia and the creative industry, benefiting students, universities, and industry partners.</span></em></p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Luh Putu Diah Candra Paramita, I Gusti Ngurah Wirawan, Ni Ketut Rini Astuti IDENTITAS VISUAL PADA EVENT KEEP ON STAGE DI PREGINA SHOWBIZ BALI2024-07-14T05:07:46+00:00I.G.A.Ngurah Bagus Rama Pranawaramapranawa03@gmail.comI Wayan Nuriartaramapranawa03@gmail.comI Wayan<p>Keep on Stage is a concept for a music performance event that is designed by Pregina Showbiz Bali with the intent to conserve the spirit to keep doing live performances on a stage. But, the Keep on Stage event does not yet have any visual identity to present itself to the public. Therefore, Keep on Stage needs a visual identity design that is strong so It can be recognized and remembered. This design uses the creation method developed by Hawkins on the book “Creating Through Dance” that is Exploration, Improvisation, and Formation. This design also uses method of collecting data like interview, observation, literature study, and documentation. This design creates brand visual identity like logo and illustration assets that is apllicated on promotion media like Instagram post, Billboard, T-Banner, T- Shirt, and Nametag. The idea of conserving the spirit of music performance that Pregina Showbiz Bali wants to show through Keep on Stage event are presented on the visual identity that have been designed.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 I.G.A.Ngurah Bagus Rama Pranawa, I Wayan Nuriarta, I Wayan Swandi KONTEN INSTAGRAM AMY WONG DI BURO CREATIVE STUDIO SEBAGAI IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM MBKM MAGANG/PRAKTIK KERJA2024-07-11T01:49:35+00:00Adelya Wiryawanadelyawiryawan@gmail.comAgus Ngurah Arya Putrakaadelyawiryawan@gmail.comI Nyoman Larry<p>The design of Amy Wong's Instagram content at Buro Creative Studio is a form of implementation of the MBKM Internship/Work Practice program which is in line with the general guidelines of the MBKM program of the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Denpasar which refers to Permendikbud No. 3, 2020. The purpose of this research is to add insight and experience directly in the industry field relevant to the visual communication design department and to know more about the process of designing social media content especially Instagram. Buro Creative Studio, which was established in 2017, was chosen as a partner in this program because of its scope that is in line with the visual communication design department, namely branding, marketing, and social media content. The study lasted for 4 months, from February to June. The research was conducted using observation, interview, literature, and documentation methods. The result of this research is to know more about Amy Wong's Instagram content design management at Buro Creative Studio and to know the process of Buro Creative Studio creating Instagram content design for Amy Wong. The Instagram content produced is in the form of Instagram highlight icons and Instagram stories, as well as supporting media in the form of bag designs, stickers, and greeting cards.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Adelya Wiryawan, Agus Ngurah Arya Putraka, I Nyoman Larry Julianto KOMUNIKASI VISUAL FOTOGRAFI PRODUK MAKANAN PISANG LENANA OLEH PT. SDS VISUAL DI DENPASAR2024-07-11T01:53:57+00:00Bimo Dylan Birtanodbimo821@gmail.comNi Ketut Pande Sarjanidbimo821@gmail.comCokorda Alit<p>This study aims to examine the process of visual communication design for the food product photography of Lenana Banana Chips carried out by PT. SDS Visual in Denpasar. The research identifies the stages in visual design, starting from direction, idea generation, and concept illustration, to the process of shooting and photo editing. The research method used is a case study with a qualitative approach. The results show that PT. SDS Visual uses a structured approach in each design stage to ensure professional and attractive results. These findings provide insights into the importance of visual design in enhancing product appeal and strengthening marketing strategies. In conclusion, a systematic and collaborative design process is key to success in the visual communication of food products. This study suggests that other companies can adopt a similar approach to achieve optimal results.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bimo Dylan Birtano, Ni Ketut Pande Sarjani, Cokorda Alit Artawan BRAND IDENTITY ADRISTHA TOUR & TRAVEL DI BADROOM STUDIO DENPASAR2024-07-11T01:31:27+00:00Seifi Yusila Albarseifiyusilaa@gmail.comArya Pageh Wibawaseifiyusilaa@gmail.comI Gusti Ngurah<p>Adristha Tour & Travel is a startup in the travel agency sector, established in 2024 in Denpasar, Bali. The designing a brand identity for Adristha Tour & Travel, in collaboration with Badroom Studio, aims to create a competitive image and positioning in the tourism industry. As part of the tourism industry on a tourist island with intense business competition, Adristha Tour & Travel needs a strong brand identity to compete with its competitors. The objective of designing this visual brand identity is to promote and enhance brand awareness among the audience. This research employs a qualitative method through observation and discussions with senior graphic designers at Badroom Studio. The design process includes concept development through brainstorming and brandbrieff creation, design execution, and implementation on relevant media. The result of this design is a visual brand identity that reflects the vision, mission, and image of Adristha Tour & Travel as a professional and trustworthy company. Visual elements such as the logo, color palette, and typography with a clean and corporate-related style are also designed to support the creation of a strong and consistent visual identity.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Seifi Yusila Albar, Arya Pageh Wibawa, I Gusti Ngurah Wirawan BRAND IDENTITY UMKM STEAK IJOW JALANAN DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN BRAND AWARENESS DI MADE BLEZ STUDIO2024-07-11T01:52:22+00:00Ni Made Ayu Cantika Mutiara Anjanimdayucantikaam@gmail.comI Gede Agus Indram Bayu Arthamdayucantikaam@gmail.comPutu Wahyuning Sri<p class="s25">In this modern era, international food is increasingly popular in Indonesia. Many restaurants or places to eat that sell international food are spread across several cities in Indonesia. One of the places that sells international food is Jalanan Ijow Steak. This business carries the concept of an angkringan or street stall that sells chicken steak as its main menu. This business is considered to be just starting out in 2024. The obstacle faced before forming this business is how to introduce Street Ijow Steak to the wider community. So the effort that needs to be made to be able to carry out marketing is to design a brand identity or what is often known as branding. The method used by the author to solve this problem is to use a qualitative descriptive method. The initial stage of this design is conducting observations and interviews with clients first. Then the author conducted research independently. After that, the author did brainstorming and mind mapping first to determine the logo concept. Then the author immediately executed these ideas and concepts to create 4 alternative logo designs. After selecting an alternative logo design, then proceed to the stage of creating a digital logo using the Adobe Illustrator application. This brand identity design resulted in Brand Guidelines for Steak Ijow Jalanan. The results of designing the Steak Ijow Jalanan brand identity were then applied to several print media such as banners, x banners, packaging, menus and merchandise.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Cantika Mutiara, Gede Agus Indram Bayu Artha, Putu Wahyuning Sri Purnami UNSUR-UNSUR RUMAH ADAT BETAWI SEBAGAI INSPIRASI DESAIN PUBLIC RELATION PACKAGE2024-06-16T12:16:18+00:00Thufailthufailorl69@gmail.comRio Yohanes Nitiyogaryohanes2002@gmail.comMuhammad Cikal<p>The shape of the Betawi traditional house as a cultural heritage is very inspiring for packaging designers to make it into a Public Relations (PR) Package. Along with the times, people in the Jakarta area are increasingly starting to abandon the traditional Betawi house form and prefer to build houses with a more modern and minimalist theme or start living in apartments. For this reason, packaging designers were inspired to create a PR Package by taking the shape and structure of the Betawi traditional house, and then from a visual perspective. PR Package is always used for promotional and marketing purposes, therefore the main focus of this research is to explore what characteristics exist in Betawi traditional houses which later the results of the identification will be used as inspiration in making PR Package designs. The method of data collection is done by exploration and direct observation of the elements that exist in Betawi culture. After the findings are obtained, this research is expected to contribute to further developments in the domain of PR Package design and interior design, as well as provide new insights into the importance of making creative and inspiring PR Package designs as one of the media in preserving culture in Indonesia and at the same time as a way to promote local culture and products to foreign countries.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Thufail Al-Amien, Rio Yohanes Nitiyoga, Muhammad Cikal Haekal KARAKTER UNTUK ANIMASI 2D “TARIAN DALAM HENING” DI PIXLI STUDIO2024-07-11T01:48:49+00:00Natasha Reviana Susantonatasha.reviana18@gmail.comIda Bagus Ketut Trinawindudiahcandra28@gmail.comNi Ketut Rini<p>"Tarian dalam Hening," (Dance in Silence) which tells the story of a deaf girl and her passion for performing Balinese dance, is one of the 2D animation projects produced by Pixli Studio. This research aims to explore the character design process in the animation. The method used is data analysis with a project-based learning approach. The stages identified in this research start with brainstorming and discussions to understand the vision and characteristics of each character, gathering references and creating mood boards, making several rough sketches, revising based on feedback, and finishing with lineart and coloring. The results show that good character design can enhance visual appeal and story quality in an animation or story, making it more engaging for the audience.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Natasha Reviana Susanto, Ida Bagus Ketut Trinawindu, Ni Ketut Rini Astuti ILUSTRASI WOOD PAINTING DENGAN KONSEP IDENTITAS BALI BERSAMA ENYO STUDIO2024-07-11T01:43:31+00:00Anak Agung Bagus Dharma Wijayabagusdharma139@gmail.comWahyu Indirabagusdharma139@gmail.comI Gede Agus Indram Bayu<p>Enyo Studio is a creative company active in the field of illustration and design, pioneered by Putu Windu Sucipta A.Md Par., S.Par since 2019. Enyo Studio in its development has several business lines such as Zaloukh Apparel, Wall Painter, and Triple Eight Gallery. One of the typical merchandise forms of Enyo Studio is wood painting. In this study, the author will raise the characteristic characteristics of the Enyo Studio as the title of the report, namely about the Wood Painting Illustration Design with the Bali Identity Concept with Enyo Studios. The aim of this research is to understand the management process of artwork at Enyo Studio, and to know the process of creation of illustrations of wood painting with the concept of Bali identity in Enyo Studios. There are several methods of data collection in this study, including observation methods, interviews, library studies, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is a descriptive technique. The results of the analysis showed that wood painting became a common artwork and was routinely produced in the Enyo Studio for further promotion by the Triple Eight Gallery. In this project, the author designed a series of wood painting about the Bali culture that is embodied in the theme and major work of “Undagi Bali”. The design of the illustration includes the stage of sketch, contour/outline, stages of coloring and finishing, as well as mockup and application on hardboard media. In addition, the wood painting series was created to meet the SKS capacity of the author's main work in designing illustrations of wood paintings with Bali identity concepts, including the series "Woman Prayer", series "Terasering Bali", Series "Cewek Ngusung Gebogan", and series "Pura Bali".</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dharma Anak Agung, Wahyu Indira, I Gede Agus Indram Bayu Artha DESAIN MERCHANDISE LOMBA LAYANG-LAYANG BERSAMA ENYO STUDIO2024-07-11T01:32:19+00:00Wahyu<p>Enyo studio is a creative company founded in 2019 which is managed by Putu Windu Subuat. Enyo Studio is located on Jl. Tukad Batanghari X, Panjer, South Denpasar, Bali. One of Enyo Studio's businesses is in the fashion sector with the name Zaloukh apparel, a business company in the fashion sector which was founded in 2020. In designing illustrations for merchandise, the theme is Balinese cultural traditions, namely Balinese Kites. Bali Kites can be one of the tourist attractions in Bali. This tradition is usually found in certain seasons ranging from June to September. Therefore, by using merchandise, information about the Balinese Kite Tradition can be conveyed well and become a promotional medium that can create curiosity and interest in Balinese traditions, especially for foreign tourists visiting Bali. So tourists can buy this merchandise as a reminder or memento of Bali.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Pusaba STRATEGI PEMASARAN VISUAL MELALUI MEDIA SOSIAL UNTUK MEREK DAGANG “ZOUSZ GROOMING” PADA AGENSI KREATIF LAPOMPS DI BALI2024-07-11T01:53:03+00:00Raka Yofandry Raffirakajovan123@gmail.comNi Ketut Pande Sarjanirakajovan123@gmail.comAgus Ngurah Arya<p>In the midst of the increasingly competitive business world, business people must make efforts to attract consumer interest. Seeing the development of the business world today, digital technology is part of several important means in supporting the development of a business, so that all forms of marketing activities can be recognized and accepted easily by the public at large, this is called digital marketing. The utilization of social media in digital marketing has become one of the main strategies for many companies in recent years. As a result of the development of an increasingly broad digital platform, social media management is needed in the digital marketing process so that it provides a great opportunity for companies to reach a wide audience. The Design Process of Visual Marketing Strategy through Social Media for the<br />Trademark “ZOUSZ GROOMING” at Lapomps Creative Agency in Bali is needed to find out the process of designing social media from various countries. The methods used in the design process include interview and observation stages. The SOUZS brand can significantly increase user interaction and engagement through an effective and integrated social media design strategy. With an approach that focuses on creating relevant and engaging content, consistent management of the selected social media platforms, and in-depth analysis of audience trends and responses, it is expected that SOUZS can efficiently expand its reach and increase brand awareness in a competitive market.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Raka Yofandry Raffi, Ni Ketut Pande Sarjani, Agus Ngurah Arya Putraka