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Anak Agung Istri Kirana Maheswari
Laila Maulidhiyah Laksana Zahro


The animation industry in Indonesia has grown rapidly in recent years, fuelled by technological advances and the increasing demand for creative content in various sectors, such as entertainment, advertising, and education. This study aims to analyse the contribution of the animation industry to the Indonesian economy, both in terms of job creation, increasing national income, and exporting animation products. Using secondary data analysis methods from industry reports and government agencies, the results show that the animation industry has a significant impact on economic growth, especially in the creative economy. In addition, this industry has the potential to become a leading sector that can compete in the global market. However, challenges such as the lack of skilled labour and limited access to capital are still the main obstacles that need to be overcome. Recommendations include improving education and training in animation as well as government policy support to strengthen the competitiveness of Indonesia's animation industry.

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How to Cite
Maheswari, A. A. I. K., & Zahro, L. M. L. (2024). KONTRIBUSI INDUSTRI ANIMASI INDONESIA TERHADAP EKONOMI. ANIMA RUPA: JURNAL ANIMASI, 2(1), 14–19. https://doi.org/10.59997/animarupa.v2i1.4535