CITA KARA : JURNAL PENCIPTAAN DAN PENGKAJIAN SENI MURNI <p>Nama Jurnal : Cita Kara: Jurnal Penciptaan dan Pengkajian Seni Murni<br />Frekuensi : Terbit 2 kali dalam setahun <br />Online ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2829-0879</a><br />Editor-in-chief : I Wayan Sujana<br /><span style="font-family: 'Noto Sans', 'Noto Kufi Arabic', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">Co Editor-in-chief : Luh Budiapriliana<br /></span>Publisher : UPT Pusat Penerbitan LP2MPP, Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar<br />Indexing : Google Scholar | Garuda<span style="font-family: 'Noto Sans', 'Noto Kufi Arabic', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;"><br /></span>Lisensi : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CC-BY 4.0</a><span style="font-family: 'Noto Sans', 'Noto Kufi Arabic', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;"><br /></span>Archiving : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CLOCKSS</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LOCKSS</a></p> PROGRAM STUDI SENI MURNI ISI DENPASAR en-US CITA KARA : JURNAL PENCIPTAAN DAN PENGKAJIAN SENI MURNI 2829-0879 The Impact Of Deforestation As An Idea In The Creation Of Painting <p><em>This thesis contains a description of the creation of a work of painting with the theme "The Impact of Deforestation as an Idea in The Creation of Painting" which was inspired by reading a book which reminded the author of his visit to Kalimantan. This will discuss the impact of deforestation in Indonesia. Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, with its vast territory, Indonesia is known for its very diverse cultural, ethnic and natural riches, and as the Lungs of the World. However, the serious problem currently facing Indonesia is deforestation. Deforestation is the activity of cutting down forests where the land is converted for non-forest use. This change in forest land causes disruption of environmental conditions such as natural disasters, extinction of flora and fauna, global warming and climate change. The aim to be achieved in creating this work is to understand the impact of deforestation in Indonesia through creativity and imagination in the form of paintings using various techniques, media, considering the elements and principles of fine art. From the theme above, there are 6 (six) works that can be realized from the impact of deforestation which can provide an overview of the impact of deforestation in Indonesia.</em></p> Muhammad Rafli Ramdhani Nataprawira I Ketut Mustika I Wayan Setem Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 1 8 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3628 The River In Senganan Village As A Source Of Ideas For The Creation Of Paintings <p><em>This Independent Study TA thesis has the theme "Rivers In The Village Senganan As A Source (De Creating Works Of Painting"), departs from an idea about the river as a source of life for the community in Senganan village. From this, it gives rise to the urge to present natural visualizations with beautiful forms by combining certain techniques and references to achieve the goal and the desired meaning. The problem faced is how to process visuals to represent ideas. ideas, so that changes to the work look interesting. The tuivan and its benefits are to provide a new reflection for the community to better protect and preserve the river in Senganan village. To answer what is the aim of this work, the creation method involves exploration, improvisation and formation. By compiling elements of fine art, and through exploration, improvisation, and formation stages, and combined with ideas and ideas, 6 works were created entitled: 1) "Natural Water", 2) "Waterfall in the Forest", 5) "To river towards one point", 4) "Mysterious stone", 5) "Destruction of the river", 6) "The power of water". In accelerating the work, the author will use several references and techniques from artists. By combining impressionist techniques and expressionist techniques using paint acrylic, in visualizing works that embody the beautiful nature of rivers up to the pollution of these rivers as time goes by, various techniques are combined neatly to create aesthetic works, it is hoped that they can produce quality works and become the author's identity. In the end, it can be concluded that humans are very dependent on nature, and we must trade with nature to be sustainable. The river in Senganan village provides a lot of inspiration for creative work and is very interesting to use and develop with imaginative ideas that will become valuable and meaningful works. By creating this work, the author hopes to be able to convey a message or meaning regarding the personal phenomena that the author has experienced.</em></p> Putu Aripta Dera Kanta I Wayan Setem I Made Bendi Yudha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 9 16 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3629 Canggu's Batu Mejan Beach As A Source Of Inspiration For The Creation Of Painting Works <p><em>The author discusses the history and atmosphere that the author experienced when creating the work as inspiration for painting. This topic was chosen as a means of conveying to the public what the history and atmosphere of Batu Mejan Beach is like and how the author created it in a work of painting. Creation of works is carried out through the steps of research, creation and presentation of art. This research is qualitative in nature by collecting data through journals related to Batu Mejan Beach. The method used is the Hawkins creation method, namely: idea exploration, improvisation/experimentation and realization. The originality of the work is carried out by the author from the basis of the emergence of an idea to the creation of a work of art using the visual source of coral rocks at Batu Mejan Beach and the addition of objects that have meaning/symbols. The visualization of the work emphasizes the elements of the idea and the techniques in which it is developed, accompanied by a spirit of taste that is built to give an aesthetic impression through the presentation of forms, as well as concepts that are used as references in each work. The result of the creation is a form of visualization of a painting by emphasizing the elements and principles of painting. The creation of this painting work is entitled "Canggu's Batu Mejan Beach as a Source of Inspiration for the Creation of Painting Works" with the output being a final thesis work and six works of painting art. Using palette techniques and acrylic paint materials with an expressionist flow.</em></p> I Made Ricky Setiawan I Wayan Adnyana Ni Made Purnami Utami Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 17 29 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3630 Pet Attachment and Animal Abuse in Human Relationships with Pets as Inspiration for Digital Artworks <p><em>Humans and animals have coexisted for a long time with mutual benefits to one another. Relationships between species can create a balanced relationship for the survival of living things on earth. Attachment is an emotional relationship formed by individuals with other individuals who are considered stronger during their lives. Attachment will tend to encourage individuals to trigger closeness through contact and sad reactions due to separation. Individuals have the goal of seeking security and comfort in attachment. Human attachment to pets includes emotional, psychological, and physical interactions that will develop into a good mutual relationship. In attachment relationships, the role of empathy, attachment and anthropomorphism (the human tendency to assign characteristics, feelings and behaviors to non-human species) can influence the level of concern for pet welfare. Lack of empathy, attachment and anthropomorphism can lead to lower levels of care for animals, which may lead to neglect and abuse.&nbsp; Animal abuse is deliberate and repeated behavior with the aim of causing physical or psychological suffering to animals. Physical or psychological suffering in detail includes suffering and misery as well as the onset of pain and death of the animal.</em></p> Jessica Ivana Tjokorda Udiana Nindhia Pemayun I Ketut Mustika Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 30 39 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3631 Transformation Of The Visual Motifs Of The Kamasan Puppets Into Figurative Characters <p><em>This thesis contains a description of the creation of a work of painting with the theme "Transformation of Visual Motifs of Wayang Kamasan into Figurative Figures" which was inspired by the motifs of Wayang Kamasan paintings on the ceiling of Kertagosa Hall, Klungkung, Bali. The Wayang Kamasan characters already have rules or 'standards' that must be preserved, but for the author when observing the decorative motifs of the Wayang Kamasan characters from the coils to the clothes, it provokes subconscious associations which actually give rise to their own figurative characters. Then deformation and stylization of motifs will be carried out to create imaginary results from icons in order to create figurative character symbols in the style of the author. For this reason, research was carried out to obtain assessment data using four theories, namely Carl Gustav Jung's archetype theory, Janques Lacan's imaginary theory, Susanne K. Langer's symbolic theory and A.A.M.'s aesthetic theory. Djelantik to explain this thesis. The author also uses two creation methods as inspiration originating from the 6 (six) stages of Mr. I Made Wiradana's work and the Mobile Art Labortory (MAL) which provides a Blueprint process for ideas and the formation of Mr. I Wayan Sujana's work 'Suklu'. The author obtained the results of the creation of the deformation and stylization of Wayang Kamasan motifs into figurative figures in the form of paintings using various techniques and media by considering the elements and principles of fine art. From the theme above, there are 6 (six) works that have been realized with narratives originating from the connection between the author's experiences and the side of humanism.</em></p> Putu Durga Laksmi Devi Ni Made Purnami Utami I Wayan Sujana Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 40 48 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3634 Rerajahan Aesthetics as an Idea for Creating Painting Works <p><em>This independent study report raises the theme of Rerajahan Aesthetics as an Idea for Creating Painting Works, starting from raising ideas around rerajahan. All aspects of Balinese life are imbued with Hinduism, which indirectly gives birth to a socio-religious culture. Various cultural elements were born due to the demands of religious needs. Art as an element of culture was also born due to the demands of religious activities. This has encouraged the creation of various forms of symbolic-magical art which are representations of something abstract. One of them is in the form of pictures or writing which is commonly called Rerajahan. For the Balinese people, rerajahan, apart from being a means of religious ceremonies, is also believed to have very high supernatural powers. This believed power functions as a means of suggestion to achieve certain desires or goals. In this case, the effect of rerajahan is that it is able to become a source of ideas for artists in creating modern works of art without abandoning the traditional values behind it. Rerajahan is also a very inspiring work of traditional art, and a source of ideas for some Balinese artists in creating individual works</em><em>.</em></p> I Putu Gede Ivan Ayestha Aprianta I Wayan Kondra I Wayan Adi Sucipta Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 49 56 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3635 Application of Balinese Cultural Concepts in the Creation of Neo-Traditional Tattoo Art Works <p><em>This thesis contains a description of the creation of works of tattoo art with the theme "Application of Balinese Cultural Concepts in the Creation of Neo-Traditional Works of Tattoo Art" which was inspired when looking at foreign tattoo styles, namely American traditional tattoos, known as American Traditional (Old School Tattoo). where this tattoo has a very strong characteristic or character, so that the traditional American tattoo style is easily recognized. In Bali itself, there are several adherents of the Neo Traditional tattoo style, one of which is Kink Tattoo Bali, where Kink Tattoo Bali has a similar phenomenon where its tattoo work is recognized by tattoo lovers because Kink Tattoo Bali's work has a strong characteristic or character. so that his work can be easily recognized. The aim to be achieved in this MBKM Internship/Work Practicum activity is to find out the situation in the real world of work and gain experience in the world of work as well as various new work experience skills that can broaden your insight into the scope of tattoo work in the world of work and can deepen your knowledge and techniques. in working on professional tattoo projects in the real world of work. MBKM Internship/Practice activities at Studio Kink Tattoo Bali also aim to hone skills in creating original tattoo works by combining Balinese culture with Neo Traditional tattoo styles. In realizing this tattoo design work, the author used interview, observation, documentation and literature methods. From the title above, there are five tattoo design works in MBKM Internship/Practice activities at Kink Tattoo Bali studio.</em></p> I Putu Gede Rindra Mahananda Tjokorda Udiana Nindhia Pemayun I Gede Jaya Putra Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 57 64 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3636 Overcoming The Feeling Of Insecure As An Idea In The Creation Of Painting Art <p><em>Insecurity is a feeling of discomfort or fear that is triggered by a feeling of dissatisfaction and uncertainty about one's capacities.</em> <em>Insecurity is a common problem that often occurs among society, especially today's young people, if it is not addressed it can disrupt productivity in living life, a lack of understanding and knowledge regarding insecurity and how to overcome this condition often causes this insecurity to be a taboo matter.</em> <em>The aim to be achieved in the creation of this work is to understand the efforts that can be made to overcome feelings of insecurity in the perspective of packaging the embodiment of a work of painting.</em> <em>The author will visualize the efforts to overcome this feeling of insecurity using a visual analogy approach in the meaning of a message that will be expressed as a work of painting.</em> <em>In its development, the author formulated several things, various efforts to overcome feelings of insecurity and a visual analogy approach technique in expressing expressions of efforts to overcome feelings of insecurity.</em></p> Putu Gede Puspayoga I Wayan Kondra I Wayan Adi Sucipta Anak Agung Gde Trisna Suryadinata T. Y. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 65 71 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3637 Fourmoon Start-Up Management Development Start-Up Fourmoon (Multifunctional Painted Shawl) <p><em>The Multifunctional Painted Shawl is a special product from Fourmoon that prioritizes functionality and beauty. Based on Wikipedia, a shawl is traditional Indonesian clothing in the form of a long cloth and it is usually worn by women. This scarf is specially designed to have multiple functions in just one item. In addition, the multiple function of Fourmoon Shawl also has aesthetic value on its surface design and additional prada. The aims of this text are, 1).&nbsp; To Find out the Transfer of Entrepreneurial Knowledge to the Agung Bali Collection for the development of fourmoon start-up management (multifunctional Painted Shawls). 2). Finding out about the transfer of entrepreneurial skills to the Agung Bali Collection for the development of fourmoon start-up management (Painted multifunctional shawl). 3). Finding out about the transfer of Marketing Knowledge and Technology to the Agung Bali Collection. This type of research includes quantitative research and observation as a data collection method. The results of this MBKM are, 1). There are 9 functions of painted shawl products produced by fourmoon&nbsp; 2). The marketing that the writer does is offline and online way such as Instagram. The writer also applies a custom-order system 3). Developing insight such as prada adding with the canting massage&nbsp;technique.</em></p> Apriliana Putri Khairun Nisa I Dewa Putu Gede Budiarta I Wayan Gulendra Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 72 84 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3640 “Gelungan” Characters of Kamasan Puppet in the Magala-Gala Tradition Game <p><em>Feudalism, which is a social or political system that gives great power to the nobility, in Indonesia, especially in Bali, still adheres to this system, where in literature and in traces of discourse it is stated that this system was already in effect at that time. However, apart from the Feudal system, Indonesia, especially Bali, has many existing traditions, such as the art of wayang kamasan painting and also Ma-gala-galaan or Gala-gala. The techniques used in the process of creating works of painting are the Dussel and Sigar techniques and how to visualize them on plywood media. The method used in the creation process is Hawkins, which consists of three stages, namely idea exploration, improvisation, and realization or forming.The result of this method is to search for ideas and how to visualize the concept of the Gelungan Wayang Kamasan character on plywood media. Improvise to find harmonious proportions and colors. The manifestation (forming) of all visual results found related to the title adopted is undergoing development. With the creation of this work, it is hoped that it will be useful for the community related to this state system and also about traditional painting and traditional games in Bali.</em></p> I Made Pande Agus Cahyadi Putra I Dewa Putu Gede Budiarta I Made Jodog Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 85 94 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3641 Fineline Tattoo Design as a Form of Self Expression at Ingkeu Ink Tattoo Studio <p><em>The main objective of this research and art creation is to create and present the work "Designing Fineline Tattoos as a Form of Self-Expression at Ingkeu Ink Tattoo Studio" as a representation of arts and culture education. Fineline tattoo is a style of tattoo that involves creating a design with very thin and smooth lines. These tattoos are often minimalist and subtle, with intricate and detailed designs that require a skilled artist to execute. This creation is research-based, so the method consists of two inseparable parts, namely the research method and the creation method. The technique for implementing MBKM internship/work practice activities at Ingkeu ink tattoo studio is carried out using a project based learning model. In designing this tattoo design, it begins with brainstorming together to collect the concepts and topics that will be discussed. After getting a mature concept, students can continue to the stages of the work process. In this research the author will describe the Fineline Tattoo design process as a form of self-expression at Ingkeu ink tattoo studio along with an analysis of the design results. The data in this research was obtained directly from Ingkeu ink tattoo studio as a partner who has a project to be featured in the internship report using several methods. The results of the tattoos done by the author are also uploaded by partners on social media and TikTok, in this way the partners believe they are very effective in attracting client interest.</em></p> Ivan Fauzi I Gede Yosef Tjokropramono I Ketut Mustika Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 95 101 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3642 Visualization of the Impact of Industrial Revolution Developments in Digital Painting Komang Yudana I Wayan Mudana Luh Budiaprilliana Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 102 107 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3643 Bwah Loka in Sarad Pulagembal as an Idea for Creating Sculpture <p>The yadnya ceremony in Bali cannot be separated from an upakara or offering. One of the upakara or offerings that contains a touch of artistic elements is Sarad Pulagembal. Sarad Pulagembal is made from rice flour dough given various colors, symbolizing the positive powers of Bhuwana Agung. In Sarad Pulagembal there are components that are distributed according to the position in the Tri Loka, namely from bottom, to middle, to top (Bhur, Bwah, Swah). Bhur Loka is the layers of negative natural dimensions, Bwah Loka is the layers of the cycle of life and death, Swah Loka is the layers of positive natural dimensions. In the middle part (Bwah Loka) depicts elements of the living world such as humans and animals, the sarad pulagembal will of course contain these elements. The aim to be achieved in the creation of this work is to find out the contents of Sarad Pulagembal, especially in the middle part (Bwah Loka) and it will be developed with creativity and imagination into the form of a sculptural work of art using elements of fine art, such as color, media and techniques. . In the process of realizing this work, the author used interview, observation and experiment methods. From the theme above, 5 (five) sculpture works will be created entitled Purusa, two works entitled Pradana, three works entitled Tunjung, four works entitled Angsa, and five works entitled Boma.</p> I Made Suwardana Tenaya I Ketut Mustika I Made Jodog Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 108 114 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3644 Nias Tribe Tradition as an Ideas in Creating Painting <p><em>The Maena dance, a cultural heritage from the Nias tribe on Nias Island, North Sumatra, Indonesia, is a traditional dance full of meaning and cultural values. This dance displays strong and dynamic movements, with dancers wearing traditional Nias clothing. Accompanying music, such as gondang, taganing, and tifa, creates a rhythm that strengthens the expression of the dance. The Maena dance depicts the strength, enthusiasm and unity of the Nias people. In this dance, vigorous war movements, high jumps symbolize courage, and expressive hand and eye movements express a variety of emotions. This dance is also used in various traditional ceremonies, cultural celebrations, and important moments in the lives of the Nias people. The Maena dance, as a source of creative ideas, inspires us to dig deeper into the cultural values and spirit of courage contained in this dance. Combining elements of Maena dance with modern art or developing new dances could provide a unique creative platform, celebrating Nias' cultural heritage while presenting a message of strength, unity and courage to today's generation.</em></p> Calvin Galileo Telaumbanua I Made Ruta I Wayan Karja Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 4 1 115 122 10.59997/ctkr.v4i1.3645