Jurnal Seni Karawitan2024-12-24T02:22:35+00:00Ni Putu Hartini, S.Sn., Journal Systems<p><span lang="EN-ID"><strong>Ghurnita</strong> is a journal that is used as a means of scientific communication of Karawitan Arts, especially Karawitan. The Ghurnita Journal also aims to accommodate articles on students' Final Projects within the scope of the musical arts study program. <span class="VIiyi" lang="en"><span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="id" data-phrase-index="2">The scope of the journal Ghurnita is the study and creation of musical art.</span></span> Published four times a year (March, June, September and December). First published in March 2021.<br /></span></p> <p>This journal has been accredited <strong>Rank </strong><strong>4</strong><strong> (SINTA </strong><strong>4</strong><strong>)</strong> through the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>72/E/KPT/2024</strong></a> about the Academic Journal Accreditation Rating Period I Year 2024. All articles in the Ghurnita journal have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) with <strong><span lang="EN-ID">DOI: </span></strong><span lang="EN-ID">Prefix <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.59997 by Crossref, </a></span><span lang="EN-ID"><strong>E-ISSN:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SK E-ISSN</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2798-6128, </a></span><span lang="EN-ID"><strong>Indexing;</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sinta</a>.</span></p> Ada-Ada Ngobong Dupa Sumiyati Style | Genderan Ada-Ada Ngobong Dupa Gaya Sumiyati2024-11-11T03:08:56+00:00Wahyu Thoyyib<p><em>This research is entitled "Genderan Ada-ada Ngobong Dupa Sumiyati</em><em> Style</em><em>". This research was motivated by researchers' admiration for the virtuosity and uniqueness of Sumiyati's style gender. The problem that will be elaborated in this study is how the techniques, patterns and dynamics used by Sumiyati in presenting genderan ada-ada Ngobong Dupa. The research method used is descriptive analysis. The analysis is carried out with several stages, namely: perceptive listening, participatory observation, transcription, identification of techniques, patterns, dynamics and drawing conclusions. Based on the analysis conducted, this research has obtained several findings regarding the technical elements, patterns, dynamics, and rhythms used by Sumiyati in presenting the ada-ada Ngobong Dupa. The technical elements that have been identified include cepengan, tutupan, and ukelan. The cepengan technique consists of the methit and sendhon techniques. The tutupan technique consists of balung, samparan, sarukan, lumpatan, umbaran, and pethetan. The ukelan technique consists of the two-tone and three-tone ukelan. The pattern elements that have been identified include kawitan, rambatan, seleh, oloran, and tutupan. The dynamic elements that have been identified include keras, sedheng, and lirih. The rhythmic elements that have been identified include seseg, sedheng, and tamban.</em></p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 GHURNITA: Jurnal Seni Karawitan Tabuh Sekatian Di Desa Banjarangkan Kabupaten Klungkung | Tabuh Sekatian Training in Banjarangkan Village, Klungkung Regency2024-07-13T23:25:05+00:00Komang Agus Arya Chandra<p><em>Tabuh Sekatian training is a program created by the author to provide character education by fostering interest and improving the skills of children and youth in Banjarangkan village. This program relates to assignments in the sixth semester, namely Thematic KKN activities. Through the Thematic KKN program, the author tries to strengthen the arts through percussion training activities and improve problems, especially musical art, in Banjarangkan Village. The methods used by the author in organizing this program are observation, practice, literature study, interviews, and discography to support this activity's plan. In holding this activity, several findings became problems, such as a lack of understanding of the basic techniques of playing gamelan and a decline in children's interest in playing gamelan. Therefore, the author plans to carry out KKNT activities to revive art and strengthen traditional traditions, which are still part of social life in Bali. By choosing percussion Sekatian as a learning reference, it is hoped that this training activity will not only add material but also introduce other regional arts to the people of Banjarangkan Village.</em></p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 GHURNITA: Jurnal Seni Karawitan Panggul and Meguru Kuping Learning Strategy for the Young Generation at the Hari Dwipa Gamelan Group | Strategi Pembelajaran Meguru Panggul dan Meguru Kuping Pada Generasi Muda Di Hari Dwipa Gamelan Group2024-09-01T09:08:32+00:00I Gusti Gde Diko Nalendra<p><em>This abstract shows how the meguru panggul and meguru kuping learning strategies are implemented at the Hari Dwipa Gamelan Group Art Studio in Tabanan Regency as an effort to regenerate art practitioners, especially musical art, among school-age children, namely Elementary School to High School. Data collection techniques for implementing the MBKM internship/work practice program are observation, interviews, literature study, and participation in all the Hari Dwipa Gamelan Group Studio program activities. The results of the data analysis are presented in a descriptive narrative. It was concluded that the meguru panggul process occurs when students see the direction and movement of the pelvis in the teacher's hands when playing the piece first. The meguru panggul process runs in harmony with the piece being played. It requires repetition until students combine their understanding with the sound or notes produced by the instrument. When students fully understand the notes in the piece played by the teacher, the meguru kuping process takes place; that is, students with sensitive ears can listen carefully and then pour the piece into the instrument. The meguru panggul and meguru kuping strategies in the learning process are practical and efficient, where students can easily play specific musical patterns.</em></p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 GHURNITA: Jurnal Seni Karawitan Subang sebagai Habitat Ekosistem Angklung Ragam Laras: Studi Kasus pada Sanggar Toléater | Activation of Subang as an Ecosystem Habitat for Angklung Ragam Laras: A Case Study of Sanggar Toléater2024-12-09T22:48:39+00:00Endah Irawanetikaestetka@gmail.comIndra Ridwanindra827@gmail.comGempur sentosagempur.sentosa@gmail.comMustika Iman Zakaria Sudrajatmustikazs@gmail.comUus Karwatiuuskarwati@upi.eduToni Setiawan<p><em>After the establishment of Angklung as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO, there are consequences for Indonesia to protect, develop, utilize, and foster the life of Angklung. One of the efforts to face these consequences is to activate the angklung ecosystem in Subang Regency as a development effort so that angklung as a world heritage can maintain its existence. This research uses an experimental approach by providing training to Sanggar Toleater through a process of socialization, data collection, and work training in an art governance workshop, which ends with an evaluation; it is hoped that with this approach, this research and experimentation can protect the life of angklung that lives sustainably.</em></p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 GHURNITA: Jurnal Seni Karawitan Aesthetics in Karawitan's Work "Menteng" | Estetika Postmodern dalam Karya Karawitan “Menteng”2024-12-21T05:12:42+00:00Pande Putu<p>"Menteng" is a work of musical art, the Final Project of the ISI Denpasar Musical Arts Study Program. This work is inspired by the process of making Selonding gamelan blades, which is called menteng (forging). The phrasing medium used in this work is the Selonding gamelan. This article aims to describe the stages of creation and form of the musical work "Menteng" and the postmodern aesthetic values contained therein. This research proposes the descriptive qualitative method. Through this approach, it is hoped that we can describe a comprehensive picture of the stages of creation, the structure of the work, and the elements of postmodern aesthetics contained in the musical work "Menteng." The results of this research show that the musical work "Menteng" uses the Panca Sthiti Nawi Sani creation stages, which consist of five stages: ngawirasa, ngawacak, ngaplan, ngawangun, and ngebah. This work has a three-part structure consisting of part 1, part 2, and part 3. In addition, the musical work "Menteng" contains postmodern aesthetic values such as pastiche, camp, and schizophrenia.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 GHURNITA: Jurnal Seni Karawitan Gong Suling for the Millennial Generation with Meguru Kuping Technique | Pembelajaran Gamelan Gong Suling Pada Generasi Milenial dengan Teknik Meguru Kuping 2024-12-16T00:32:02+00:00I Putu Agus Adi<p><em>Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar has committed to implementing the Real Work Lecture program to foster empathy and concern for various societal issues while enhancing the community's quality of life and well-being. This initiative is designed to address current societal challenges, cultivate a deeper cultural understanding, and strengthen the character of the millennial generation. By doing so, ISI Denpasar aims to empower them to preserve and pass on cultural heritage amidst the rapid changes brought about by the digital era. Through these efforts, a concept emerged to develop community service projects organized by ISI Denpasar, with a primary focus on nurturing and refining the musical sensibilities of the millennial generation. One proposed strategy involves utilizing the traditional gamelan Gong Suling as a medium to engage and inspire young individuals to appreciate and continue cultural traditions. This approach enriches their cultural experiences and equips them with valuable skills and perspectives needed to navigate and contribute meaningfully to contemporary society. ISI Denpasar believes that by fostering a strong sense of cultural identity and responsibility among millennials through programs like the Real Work Lecture and community service initiatives, they can effectively bridge the gap between tradition and modernity, ensuring the enduring relevance and vitality of Indonesia's rich cultural heritage.</em></p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 GHURNITA: Jurnal Seni Karawitan The Creativity Of Teenagers In Rendang Village Through The Creation Of The Balaganjur "Jajar Wali" Composition | Meningkatkan Kreativitas Remaja Di Desa Rendang Melalui Penciptaan Komposisi Balaganjur “Jajar Wali”2024-12-16T00:34:13+00:00I Komang Bayu<p><em>Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adulthood, including mental, emotional, social, and physical maturity. In a cultural context, especially in Bali, teenagers certainly have a vital role because they will carry on the cultural heritage of their predecessors in the area where they live. In Rendang Village, a custom has become part of the culture, namely matetegen. Matetegen is a culture where people from different banjars in Rendang village exchange their living environments with the aim that later, if there are people from one of the banjars holding a Yadnya ceremony, people from other banjars can come together to help with the ceremony. From this culture, the author was inspired to create a work entitled "Jajar Wali," which will focus on teenagers in Rendang Village. In Balaganjur's "Jajar Wali" work, the artist relies on local arts and cultures in Rendang village by pouring them into the medium of Balaganjur Semarandana gamelan to create a harmonious atmosphere and give a majestic impression.</em></p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 GHURNITA: Jurnal Seni Karawitan