Jurnal Kriya dan Industri Kreatif2024-10-14T23:46:08+00:00I Nyoman Journal Systems<p>Nama Jurnal : Hastagina: Jurnal Kriya dan Industri Kreatif<br />Frekuensi : Terbit 2 kali dalam setahun (Januari-Juni dan Juli-Desember)<br />Online ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2829-7393 </a><br />Editor-in-chief : I Nyoman Laba<br /><span style="font-family: 'Noto Sans', 'Noto Kufi Arabic', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">Co Editor-in-chief : Ida Ayu Gede Artayani<br /></span>Publisher : UPT Pusat Penerbitan LP2MPP, Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar<br />Indexing : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a><span style="font-family: 'Noto Sans', 'Noto Kufi Arabic', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;"><br /></span>Lisensi : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CC-BY 4.0</a><span style="font-family: 'Noto Sans', 'Noto Kufi Arabic', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;"><br /></span>Archiving : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CLOCKSS</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LOCKSS</a></p> Of Calico Fabric As A Dummy As A Material For Women's Bag Products With The Application Of Macrame Technique 2024-08-12T00:37:47+00:00Charisma Eirenecharismaeirene22@gmail.comRatna Endah<p><em>A dummy is an item that resembles the original in shape, appearance, and type, or it can be said that a dummy is a replica made from calico fabric. Dummy fabric is fabric that has been shaped into clothing with dimensions that match the design and is usually collected and stored as a reference or sample.</em> <em>The making of this work was done by maximizing the potential of calico fabric as a reused dummy. Dummy is reprocessed into a rope that will be used to make a complementary fashion product in the form of a women's bag (handbag) by applying the macrame knotting technique. Handbags are an option in women's daily lives as a fashion complement because of their varied shapes as well as functions that are easily mixed and matched in various situations. The application of the macrame technique to the handbag also provides its own uniqueness and aesthetic value, so that the shape and appearance of the bag is more attractive and different from existing bags. The application of the method used is the creation of S.P Gustami which in the process of making through three stages including exploration, design and realization. The realization of the work is in the form of three designs of women's bags by utilizing calico cloth as a dummy with the application of macramé technique.</em></p>2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 HASTAGINA: Jurnal Kriya dan Industri Kreatif Chicken as a Source of Creative Ideas for Handwritten Batik on Bemberg Fabric2024-08-14T00:34:29+00:00Asri Yanti Sekar<p><em>Pheasant Chicken is a poultry that comes from China, long tail and beautiful color are the main attraction, the price of Pheasant Chicken is quite high, but there are also many collectors from Indonesia who already have the chicken. The existence of Pheasant Chicken is an inspiration to develop and fulfill batik motifs for Pheasant Chicken fans. Many who like pheasant-themed batik make batik in demand, and many consumers want it. The increasing consumer interest in the Pheasant chicken motif has made the craftsmen passionate about producing the batik motif. The main stages involved are the processes of exploration, design, and realization. The exploration stage involves activities to explore sources of ideas through the steps of investigation and problem identification. The design stage is based on key points from the analysis, followed by the visualization of ideas expressed in various alternative forms to select the best option to be used as a reference for realization, and finally, the realization stage where the work is brought to life. The written batik technique is collaborated with the granitan technique for the main motif. This batik is produced using bemberg material to add selling value and quality to the product.</em> <em>The result of this creation includes six types of designs, with two of them being visualized into ready-to-wear fabric. The market segmentation is targeted at adult men and women</em></p>2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 HASTAGINA: Jurnal Kriya dan Industri Kreatif Shoes Using Leather and Denim Waste with Ecoprint Technique2024-08-08T01:54:54+00:00Qhawa<p><em>The development of the youth fashion world continues to change over time. Teenagers tend to want to look attractive and be the center of attention. One of the things that this group pays attention to is footwear. Its main function is to protect the feet when doing activities, especially when outdoors. Over time, humans continue to perfect the shape of shoes so that various types and attractive models appear. Currently, shoes are starting to change their function as supporting appearance and can even show a person's social status.</em></p> <p><em>The author uses the Gustami design method which consists of three stages, including: exploration, design, and embodiment. Data collection was carried out through field surveys, interviews, literature studies, visual studies, comparative product studies and trials. The ecoprint technique on leather is used to enrich the product's visuals and increase its value. Denim as a supporting material because it has an attractive texture and visual and a strong character so that it creates an aesthetic impression in a pair of shoes.</em></p> <p><em>The results of this design are shoes made of denim and leather waste that have been visually processed using the ecoprint technique. use of chemicals and In addition, the use of this technique and material aims to reduce pollution and environmental damage due to hazardous substances. The design of this shoe considers aspects of function, aesthetics, materials, and techniques so that it has more value. It is hoped that this product can provide inspiration for craft industry players and the community to innovate and develop sustainable products</em></p>2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 HASTAGINA: Jurnal Kriya dan Industri Kreatif of Tritik Technique with Tea Dyeing in Textile Design for Clothing2024-08-06T02:59:52+00:00dewi astutidewi30143@gmail.comApika Nurani<p><em>The tritik technique with geometric motifs has great potential to be developed, looking at the jumputan fabric motifs produced in the city of Surakarta, the majority of which are clove motifs, tumpal motifs and zig-zag motifs and do not use rules or provisions for stitch spacing. One of the efforts is to explore the tritik technique which produces geometric motifs using a combination of stitch techniques, baste folding techniques, and overcast stitch techniques by applying stitch spacing rules so that the geometric motifs produced are more optimal and consistent. The tritik techniques produced in the city of Surakarta are less diverse, so exploration of tritik techniques is needed to create more diverse motifs. The design of this work uses tea coloring from a certain brand which provides many variants. Different tea variants have a great opportunity to be developed as color variations because they create different colors with a stable consistency to enrich the natural coloring repertoire of tea. The design of this work is used as a clothing textile product for women of all ages. The design of this work uses the method of creating works of art by S.P Gustami which includes the exploration stage, design stage and realization stage. The result of this design is a clothing textile product using the tritik technique and tea dye. The tritik technique can be developed into geometric shapes such as lines, circles, hexagons, meanders and squares by using certain techniques and applying stitch spacing provisions</em></p>2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 HASTAGINA: Jurnal Kriya dan Industri Kreatif Motif of Kamasan Puppet on Ceramic Media2024-08-28T02:35:15+00:00I Made Alit Parwita Yanaalitparwita@gmail.comI Ketut Mukaiketutmuka14@yahoo.comNi Made Rai<p><strong><em>Abstrak </em></strong></p> <p><em>The art of Kamasan wayang painting is the main source of inspiration in the application of ceramic painting in the Kamasan decorative style. The Kamasan Wayang motif is applied to porcelain ceramic media using the on-glaze technique with special ceramic colors which go through a 700°C firing process to permanently bond the color to the porcelain surface in various shapes of concave, convex and flat ceramic media. The main aim of creating the art of Kamasan wayang painting on ceramics is to preserve Bali's rich cultural heritage and show the uniqueness of the phenomenal cultural arts. This practice is rare in the modern ceramics industry, making these works rare on the market. Therefore, it is important to introduce and promote this ceramic painting technique to the wider community. Kamasan wayang paintings on ceramics are not only decorative in a classic style, but are also able to present diverse aesthetics in various media. Decorative ceramics with Kamasan wayang motifs are not only objects of art, but also have potential as functional objects. The process of creating this work of art is carried out carefully at the Roki Ceramik Painting Company, ensuring that each work reflects the quality and authenticity of the work. Through a collaboration between tradition and innovation, the art of Wayang Kamasan painting on ceramics has significant potential to develop and integrate into the global art and design industry. By combining traditional craftsmanship with contemporary innovation, this art can gain a relevant position in the international market</em></p>2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 HASTAGINA: Jurnal Kriya dan Industri Kreatif of 3D Printing Machines in the Production of Silver Jewelry at PT. Kapit Mas Padangsambian, West Denpasar2024-08-15T06:03:11+00:00I Putu Yogi Artanaiptyogiartana@gmail.comI Made Gede Arimbawa img.arimbawa@gmail.comI Nyoman<p><em>Jewelry is an object used to decorate body parts. The production process of making jewelry in the modern era currently utilizes sophisticated technology such as computer-aided design (CAD) and 3D printing machines. Today, many jewelry companies use (CAD) technology and 3D printing machines to facilitate the process of realizing jewelry, one of which is at PT. Kapit Mas. PT. Kapit Mas uses a 3D printer direct casting machine, namely a 3D printer machine that can be directly waxed with the Uniway brand. Another advantage of the Uniway machine is that this machine can print 3D with a high level of detail. The jewelry creation process at PT. Kapit Mas is carried out using the methods of observation, interviews, literature studies and active participation. The selection of this method is in line with the way the jewelry creation process is carried out at PT. Kapit Mas. The application of very modern technology, namely computer-aided design (CAD) and the Uniway 3D printing machine, makes it easier to make pendant, earrings, rings, charms and earcuff jewelry. In addition, other supporting tools and technologies also make it easier to make jewelry. PT. Kapit Mas uses CAD and 3D printing to simplify the process of jewelry realization, the application of 3D printing direct casting machines greatly facilitates the creation of jewelry samples where jewelry samples can be created in various sizes very quickly and with great precision</em></p>2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 HASTAGINA: Jurnal Kriya dan Industri Kreatif of Natural Material Processing as Dye in the Creation of Ecoprint Products at UMKM Griya Anyar Dewata2024-08-08T06:24:57+00:00I Gusti Ayu Nadwitya Pramesthiayunadwitya04.9h@gmail.comIda Ayu Gede<p><em>The development of production in textile industry continues to follow current trends, which is fast fashion. Fast fashion is a textile industry that provides the latest fashion that is classified as mass market orientation, namely textile production in large quantities and scales. The fast fashion production process has a negative impact on releasing liquid waste. The waste comes from synthetic colouring which can pollute rivers and domestic waters. People also tend to be consumptive towards inconsistent fashion trends with low fabric quality. This phenomenon is important to further examine for the sake of environmental sustainability. Therefore, this study can be an alternative solution in reducing the impact of synthetic dyes. This study focuses on the processing techniques of natural materials as natural dyes. The technique used in the processing natural materials is ecoprint technique. The result of the application is to create ecoprint products such as bags, scarves, and feysen clothing. The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge and an overview of the processing of natural materials into high-value fashion products that support the concept of sustainable fashion, have great potential of their uniqueness and expected to provide new innovations that produce quality and highly competitive products. The deepening learn of ecoprint technique uses the active participation method. In line with the internship activities, the active participation method means that in the process of product creation, the author collaborates with partners and expert colleagues who will encourage and take benefit in product creation</em></p>2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 HASTAGINA: Jurnal Kriya dan Industri Kreatif Printing Techniques in Making Creativity and Casting Facilities at Rugos Art & Casting,2024-08-28T01:10:18+00:00gede adikresna i dewadewakresna98@gmail.comI Nnyoman Gusti Ngurah Agung Jaya<p><em>The human body is enlivened by the soul, allowing the body to move and function in this universe. When the soul leaves the human body, that is when a person dies. The relatives and family feel the loss, and thus, a form of respect is carried out through a ceremony, according to the customs, beliefs, or religion of the deceased. In general, the Balinese people, who are predominantly Hindu, conduct a burial ceremony. Ngaben is a cremation ceremony aimed at expediting the return of the elements present in the human body (earth, fire, water, air, and space) to their original state. The Ngaben ceremony requires certain facilities such as offerings for the ceremony and a structure called "bade," which serves as a container for the corpse, carried to the cemetery and then burned. The construction of the bade is carried out cooperatively by the Hindu Balinese community, so the Ngaben ceremony can be conducted promptly. However, with modern times, constructing the bade through communal efforts has become challenging due to people's busy schedules and individual workloads. Thus, there is a need for new technology to expedite the construction of the bade, such as using ornaments as decorative elements on the bade. The presence of human and animal figurines on the bade and the time-consuming process required for their creation can take several days to complete. The resin casting technology, developed by Rugos Art & Casting, produces various forms of artistic works. Observing this, students are interested in undertaking fieldwork practice in resin casting, aiming to produce resin casts to speed up the creation of animal head forms. This would expedite the ornamentation process for the bade, making the Ngaben ceremony timelier and more efficient, thus ensuring it is conducted according to plan.</em></p>2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 HASTAGINA: Jurnal Kriya dan Industri Kreatif for Creating Panca Mask Dance Coils at Sanggar Seni Citra Kara2024-07-24T06:03:49+00:00Kadek Bagus Adi Setiawan Gus Adikadekbagusadisetiawan24@gmail.comI Made Suparta Gusti Ngurah Agung Jaya<p><em>The internship/work practice activities of the Independent Learning Independent Campus program were carried out by the author in Batuan Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency, where most of the population is engaged in the field of art, both fine arts and performing arts. All forms of art have existed since ancient times and have been passed down from generation to generation. Citra Kara Art Studio is a studio located in Batuan Village, which produces mask art products and skin inlays, so it is considered to be able to provide new experience and knowledge about how and techniques of skin carving in making panca mask crown . Knowledge of tools and materials such as the use of chisels, the use of modern technology to speed up the assembly process. Knowledge of the type of chisel and the use of materials as well as the application of technology to accelerate the process of making products, especially the crown of the panca mask.</em> <em>From an academic point of view, the author gained knowledge such as the types of Balinese dance crown, the parts contained in , and the ornaments applied to the crown. The method used in the Independent Learning Independent Campus activity uses method tracing, observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation.</em> <em>The headdress or crown that the author makes is in the form of a girdle of the panca mask or pajegan which is a wali or sacred dance that is staged at every religious event and has different characters such as, a gentle and weak character, a person with a hard character, a parent character, a wise character, and a person with a funny character</em></p> <p> </p>2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 HASTAGINA: Jurnal Kriya dan Industri Kreatif