Tari Kreasi Wija Prakerti


  • Ni Kadek Deviani - ISI Denpasar
  • Ida Ayu Wimba Ruspawati Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar
  • A.A. Ketut Oka Adnyana Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar




Wija Prakerti, Rakyat, Kreasi


The Wija Prakerti Dance is a new dance creation inspired by the story of the
rejang slahsah dance, namely the sacred rejang dance which is intended as a form
of gratitude for the rice plant. The Wija Prakerti Dance tells the story of rice farmers
who are active in the rice fields. The Wija Prakerti Dance was created as a thank
you to the farmers. paddy.
In the creation process, the creator collaborated with Sanggar Warini in the
independent campus learning program by taking independent study
programs/projects. The creation of the Wija Prakerti Dance uses the Angripta
Sasolahan creation method (creating dances) by I Kt. Suteja in the book Catur
Dormitory, the Spiritual Climbing of Balinese People in a Dance Work. The book
explains the five stages of creation, namely planning, nuasen, makalin, nelesin, and
The Wija Prakerti dance is a creative dance performed as a group with a
dance structure, namely pepeson, pengawak, pecet, pekaad, which lasts 11
minutes. The creator hopes that the values contained in this work can convey
gratitude to rice plants and gratitude to rice farmers.


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Pidarta, I Made. 2005. Esensi Agama Hindu. Unesa University Press.

Soedarsono. 1974. Seni Pertunjukan. Yogyakarta: Konservatori Tari Indonesia

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How to Cite

-, Ni Kadek Deviani, Ida Ayu Wimba Ruspawati, and A.A. Ketut Oka Adnyana. “Tari Kreasi Wija Prakerti”. Jurnal Igel : Journal Of Dance 4, no. 2 (September 5, 2024): 100–107. Accessed February 26, 2025. https://jurnal2.isi-dps.ac.id/index.php/igel/article/view/3177.