Tari Jaran Endut, dari Cerita Rakyat ke Tari Kontemporer


  • Putu Gita Rahayu Putriandini Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar
  • I Gusti Ngurah Sudibya Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar
  • Ida Ayu Wayan Arya Satyani Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar




Jaran Endut Dance is a contemporary dance originating from the folklore of West Nusa Tenggara.
Raising the history of the formation of Dusun Endut from the privilege of a horse. The idea of
working on this work is the spirit of Jaran Endut in his long journey of helping the people of
Pejarakan. The theme used is toughness. Toughness is manifested in the agility, dexterity,
sharpness, and speed of the horse in moving. The creator felt challenged to bring an animal
character; horse, into the human body. Visualizing the character of a horse requires agile body
movements, expression and character deepening, so that the characteristics of the Jaran Endut dance
can be conveyed. In addition, "silence" in Jaran Endut's work requires strong energy and physical
strength so that the message can be conveyed properly. Humans do have to work hard, but silence
is also important in order to choose the next step. The stages of manufacture use the Alma, M.
Hawkins creation method, namely the exploration, improvisation, and forming. The structure of the
dance work consists of sections 1, 2, and 3, with the form of a large group consisting of eight dancers
who have close to compact body postures, thus showing the impression of moving. Accompanied
by dance music in the form of MIDI by combining traditional and digital music so that the
uniqueness of Jaran Endut I dance music appears. After this process has been running for 1 year,
finally this work can be realized with the title of Jaran Endut (Motionless Horse)
Keywords: Jaran Endut, Horse Character, Toughness

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How to Cite

Putriandini, Putu Gita Rahayu, I Gusti Ngurah Sudibya, and Ida Ayu Wayan Arya Satyani. “Tari Jaran Endut, Dari Cerita Rakyat Ke Tari Kontemporer”. Jurnal Igel : Journal Of Dance 1, no. 1 (October 16, 2021): 62–68. Accessed February 26, 2025. https://jurnal2.isi-dps.ac.id/index.php/igel/article/view/823.




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