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Surabaya is a big city in Indonesia. There are many historical places that are thick with local wisdom of each region that can be used as tourist attractions. For example, village-based tourism. Many villages in Surabaya have a unique charm. One of them is the Arab Village. Kampung Arab is located in a strategic place, namely in the Sunan Ampel Tourism Area which is already well-known as a religious tourism destination in Surabaya. It is called Arab Village because around the area there are villages inhabited by ethnic Arabs. The attraction of Kampung Arab is that there are buildings that are typical of the Middle East and traditional markets that sell various kinds of Islamic knick-knacks and Middle Eastern cuisine. Unfortunately, this Arab Village does not yet have a visual identity that can be useful for recognizing and distinguishing the area from other areas. Therefore, it is necessary to design environmental graphics in the form of landmarks in the form of typography in accordance with the characteristics of the Arab Village.
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