Inovatif Music: Baksya Nirleka | Musik Inovatif: Baksya Nirleka
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Baksya Nirleka, musik inovatif, MBKMAbstrak
Baksya Nirleka's innovative musical work is an innovative musical work that describes the interaction of primitive humans who did not know writing (praaksara). Baksya Nirleka's work was realized using express media, utilizing materials available around him and also utilizing existing media such as Balinese gamelan which was chosen by several instruments that were believed to support this work. The problem that will be discussed is the form and process of creating Baksya Nirleka's innovative musical work. The author's aim is to highlight primitive humans in Baksya Nirleka's work because of their creativity in using materials around them to use as tools for interacting with each other, because primitive humans are still dependent on nature. The method that the author used in preparing this work is the Alma M.Hawkins Method which consists of 3 stages including, Exploration Stage (exploration), Improvisation Stage (experimentation), Forming Stage (formation). Baksya Nirleka's work consists of 4 parts, each part has a different depiction.
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