Karya Seni Instalasi Kain Perca dengan Teknik Tapestri
Tenun Tapestri, Perca, Seni Instalasi, Kerusakan AlamAbstract
The creation of tapestry weaving works by utilizing leftover fabric (patchwork) becomes a campaign medium to invite awareness and behavior to change in protecting the surrounding environment due to waste. On the other hand, the genre of installation art can still be explored, so textile craft works may still need development even though they are not practical use, but it considers the value of meaning and moral messages contained in the work to invite the audience to think about environmental damage due to waste. This creation uses the method of crafting art according to Gustami, which is divided into 3 stages in the process of creating the first craft work, the exploration stage includes data collection and excavation of theoretical foundations. Second, the design stage includes the pouring of ideas in a two-dimensional visual form by considering various aspects concerning the value of craft and visualization of selected alternative sketches into a detailed form of a prototype model. Third, the embodiment stage, namely making it happen at the actual size along with the final completion of the work and the packaging system as well as providing an evaluation of the results of the completed embodiment. This creation resulted in 6 designs of tapestry weaving works, namely: (1) Raising the concept of non-realistic landscape forms with the theme of natural damage due to waste as a source of ideas for visually processing tapestry weaving structures combined using patchwork. (2) 3 of the 6 alternative design developments were realized by using patchwork material of polyester type, as well as using earth tone references.