Youtube, Film, Pandangan Hidup, SundaAbstract
The massive use of YouTube as a social media for sharing video content can be used as a medium for actualizing Sundanese culture, including through film adaptations of Sundanese folklore into film media and aired on the YouTube platform. However, not all films with the theme of Sundanese culture that are aired on the YouTube platform have content that follows the values of the Sundanese worldview, namely the teachings about life passed down by the ancestors of the Sundanese. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The research aims to establish a representation of the values of the Sundanese worldview in the Lutung Kasarung film which aired on the YouTube platform. The research focuses on the unit of analysis in the form of scenes in the film that represent the values of the Sundanese worldview. Visual analysis of the film is carried out through the stages of description, analysis, interpretation, and assessment. Roland Barthes's theory of semiotics is used as an analytical technique to find out the denotative, connotative, and mythical meanings contained in the film. The results show that in the Lutung Kasarung film, 10 scenes represent the values of the Sundanese worldview, as well as a monomyth about the journey of a hero.
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