Balinese Tradition in The Canvas Folds on Porosan Series of I Ketut Sugantika ‘Lekung’

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Luh Budiaprilliana


Tradition in the anthropological dictionary is the same as customs, whic is called the magical-religious habits of the life of an indigenous population which include cultural values, norms, laws and rules that are interrelated, and then become a system or regulations that have been established and include all conceptions of the cultural system of a culture to regulate social action (Arriyono and Siregar, 1985:4). The tradition that is strongly implemented in the environment where the child grows up has an influence in building the memory web of the child in his growth and development. I Ketut Sugantika 'Lekung' as one of the artists who was born and raised in Bali is one of the many artists who brings the memory web of Balinese traditions into their creative process. The Porosan series by I Ketut Sugantika 'Lekung' is a representation of Balinese tradition which is realized through the repetition of folds on canvas. The process of making which is full of repetitions with similar patterns presents a trance for the artist so that he feels a situation like he is meditating focusing on controlling the Tri Pramana which is consisting of Bayu, Sabda, and Idep.

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How to Cite
Budiaprilliana, L. . (2022). Balinese Tradition in The Canvas Folds on Porosan Series of I Ketut Sugantika ‘Lekung’. CITA KARA : JURNAL PENCIPTAAN DAN PENGKAJIAN SENI MURNI, 2(1), 100–109.


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Rujukan Internet

Suyatra, Putu. 2017. Ada Tiga Unsur Kekuatan Tuhan, Porosan Jadi Jiwa Sebuah Persembahan. (Tersedia pada https : // baliexpress balinese/13/08/2017/ada-tiga-unsur-kekuatan-tuhan-porosan-jadi-jiwa-sebuah-persembahan/) diakses pada 11 Januari 2022.

Rujukan Narasumber/ Informan

Wawancara dengan I Ketut Sugantika ‘Lekung’, selaku seniman. Pada tanggal 3 Januari 2022.