Mobile Apps, UI/UX, Design Thinking, Children's Moral EducationAbstract
Globalization and technological advances provide many changes that have an impact on people's lives. These changes, among others, have an impact on parenting. This study aims to describe the design of UI/UXmobile apps as a medium that can help parents in providing moral education to children. The results of the study are expected to optimize parenting and moral education provided by parents to children at home. This research uses qualitative research methods as a lens method in applying design thinking methods to design. Qualitative research is carried out with the stages of problem identification, literature review, setting research objectives, data collection, interpretation, and reporting. Data is carried out by observation, interviews, and observations of similar objects. The results of the initial research will be the basis for design carried out using the design thinking method, namely through the stages of empathize, define, ideate, Prototype, and test. The application of these two methods will be useful in better understanding how to design the right media for the target audience to help solve they problems
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