Graphic Novel, Folklore, si Pahit LidahAbstract
Folklore is a story that has been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times, folklore itself basically has a fictional story that conveys a moral message in it. In this sophisticated era, folklore has begun to be abandoned and people tend not to know about folklore culture in this country anymore. Folklore in Indonesia has many kinds of interesting stories but these have begun to disappear by time, especially the Folklore of Si Pahit Lidah which has a myriad of versions of stories in a large area in Indonesia which includes southern Sumatra and has even started to go unheard of. The design of Si Pahit Lidah folklore graphic novel is aimed at reintroducing folklore culture so that people know better that Si Pahit Lidah folklore is not that bad, as well as cultural preservation for young to adult target audiences aged 15-25 years as in the story in This graphic novel is quite heavy and new without reducing the essence of the core story in it. By using the Design thinking method, the designer is able to concoct the stories needed by the target audience. The design of the folklore graphic novel Si Pahit Lidah was chosen because the graphic novel media itself still sounds foreign to the public's ears so that it is able to make this media a commercial media. Not only presenting graphic novels, but also having supporting media such as packaging which contains a greeting so that the audience feels more about the importance of preserving this folklore culture.
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