Upakara Aci Usaba Sumbu of Timbrah Village As Inspiration for the Creation of Paintings
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the phenomenon of religious rituals in Timbrah Village named Aci Usaba Sumbu which has its own uniqueness from the facilities used in the ritual. Banten Sumbu which resembles a towering tower with all the attributes that adorn the banten and the banten be guling which is presented by the public en masse is an attraction or encouragement to present the visualization of the ceremony in a painting with certain references to achieve the goals and meanings expressed. The problem faced is how to process the visuals of the ceremony so that the meanings contained in a work can be realized and look attractive. The visualization stage in the work will apply the principles of art in the form of Balance, Proportion, Rhythm, Emphasis, and Unity. To answer related to the phenomena described, the method of creation is to carry out exploration, improvisation, formation and completion stages. From the ideas obtained, 6 works were created entitled: 1) "Kesadaran Manusia", 2) "Menjaga Keharmonisan", 3)" Rwa Bhineda", 4) "Keyakinan", 5) "Tulus Iklas" , 6)"Tali Silaturahmi". In the embodiment of the work, the author uses several references related to the tools, colors and styles that produce the work by adopting the form of offerings in the Aci Usaba Sumbu tradition which has the meaning of each object displayed. With the creation of this work, it is hoped that it will be able to convey a message or meaning to the observed phenomena and feelings of the writer.
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Wawancara/ Informan
I Nengah Sukada (60th.), wawancara tanggal 8 Mei 2022, Desa Timbrah, Karangasem, Bal