Storybook, Digital, Game Edukasi, Anak-anakAbstract
Storybook as learning media for children uses stories with captivating illustrations to instill morale in children. The application of storybook into digital format is an adaptation of physical book into digital form as a result of technological advances. One form of digital storybook is in the form of educational game. Educational game is easily accessible by children through digital devices, such as smartphone, laptop, tablet, et cetera. Therefore, the use of digital storybook in the form of educational game can encourage children to learn while playing. The design method uses observation and literature research method with a design process that considers the type of storybook as well as the theme of the story. Through narration and imaginative visual style that is associated with modern life, it is able to give moral message to children implicitly. The results of the design are in the form of two storybooks with different themes, but inspired by modern life with a combination of fictional imagination and storytelling techniques that are displayed in various elements of digital storybooks in the form of educational games.
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