Shoes Combine Painting and Patchwork Endek as A Business Opportunity
Shoe painting, patchwork, business opportunityAbstract
Implementation of MBKM Entrepreneurship with Mitra Agung Bali Collection which is engaged in the fashion industry
engaged in the development of weaving designs of weaving feed or endek fabrics with the characteristics of air brus
technique and surface design. In the development of surface design, Agung Bali Collection prioritizes creativity and
innovation as well as art skills with gold, silver, pearl and glitter colors with massage canting techniques. During the
MBKM Entrepreneurship process, the author developed a painting shoe product with a combination of patchwork. The
combination of fabric pasting, sewing and painting techniques is intended to create an impression of aesthetic value in
the shoes chosen as a medium. The marketing that the author does is based offline and online, with promotions through
whatsapp and Instagram. The types of research methods used are included in quantitative research and observation as
data collection methods. The results obtained were 6 shoe products combining patchwork endek with the title Roro,
Gelombang Air, Daun Ginkgo, Sudut Pandang, Paus dan Galaksi.
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Daftar Nara Sumber/Informasi
Dwipayani, Anak Agung Indra (37th) pemasaran,
wawancara tanggal, 15 Mei 2023 di Agung
Bali Collection Jl. Tukad Unda No.3b,
Panjer, Denpasar Selatan, Bali
Subawa, Anak Agung Oka Krisna (33th)
pemasaran, wawancara tanggal, 25 Mei
di Agung Bali Collection Jl. Tukad Unda No.3b, Panjer, Denpasar Selatan, Bali