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Internship/Work Practice is one of eight Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) program options, where students will be directly involved in a company. This program is expected to increase knowledge and skills in accordance with what has been learned at the institution and gain work experience to make students better prepared to face the world of work in the future. Tuxedo Studio is an option for writers as an internship place in the MBKM internship/work practice program. Tuksedo Studio (PT. Kreasi Mobil Bali) is engaged in the automotive industry which focuses on playing classic cars with handbuilt characteristics.
In the Indonesia International Motor Show 2022 event, Tuksedo Studio participated in the exhibition which was held in Jakarta from March 31 to April 10. With this event, books have become one of the promotional media needed. The design process is carried out directly and indirectly by making interview, observations, as well as collecting documentation and data to support the design of the book. The purpose of designing the book is to provide information related to the process of making classic cars.
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