Corporate Identity, Desain, Victoria CollectionAbstract
One of the producers of furniture in Bali is the Victoria Collection. Victoria Collection is a producer of wood and rattan furniture, which specializes in producing furniture made of teak, coffee and rattan. Products made in the form of chairs, tables, room dividers, swings and various handicrafts according to orders. Connoisseurs of wood and rattan furniture come from almost all over the world. So with the support of technology makes it easier to reach a wider audience. However, to move to a wider scope of Victoria Collection handicraft business requires a business identity that can introduce it to the public. The purpose of this design is to bring out the identity of the Victoria Collection based on its potential and make it a character that can be known by the public. The problem under study is how to design a corporate identity that contains business potential and can convey the company's goals. This research is expected to be useful as a design reference, especially in the field of visual communication design research. This study uses a qualitative method with descriptive analysis. Data was collected through interviews, documentation and library sources. All data collected were then analyzed using the theory of corporate identity and the theory of visual communication design. By taking the meaning of the word from wood which means kayon in Sanskrit, the visual form applied is kekayon with modified design elements designed with the impression of movement. The design concept that is carried out is authentic and dynamic based on a business engaged in wood and is a business that is expected to grow. The result of the research shows that the elements of forming Victoria Collection's corporate identity cannot be separated from the role of design principles and extrinsic values that make up the logo.
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Internet, diakses 12/06/2021, diakses 12/06/2021

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