Visual Communication Design, illustration, Packaging, HNS Studio BaliAbstract
Hope Never Sleep Studio, also known as HNS Studio, is a creative studio that has a One Stop Shopping concept where HNS Studio offers manufacturing, illustration, animation services, which can be immediately realized in the form of merchandise, books, and others. Apart from that, HNS Studio also has products in the form of t-shirts and tumblrs branded with HNS Invasion. In selling its products, HNS Studio packs its products in boxes with illustrations as the main attraction. The author develops innovations for packaging so that it has collectible power and a unique experience for consumers. In making it, the author used a qualitative method in the process of carrying out the MBKM apprenticeship/work practice at HNS Studio. The writer designed the packaging for the t-shirt with the theme of the One Piece series, namely the antagonist character 'Donqixuote Doflamingo' by using the glasses icon from the character Doflamingo as the main idea on the packaging. The packaging has a translucent section and handle which is taken from the iconic eyeglass shape by extending the shape, material and layout of the existing packaging.
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