Animasi 2D, Edukasi, Kesehatan, Gigi, AnakAbstract
2D animation is one of the oldest forms of animation in the world. Because when it was first created, 2D animation was drawn on a rotating round paper media. On the surface of the paper, there are several images that when viewed using a special tool will create the illusion of movement called animation. 2D animation also continues to grow. Until now, 2d animation continues to be used for entertainment, education, or education needs, to marketing and commercial advertising. Because there are many advantages of 2D animation that 3D animation does not have. The data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative analysis, namely an examination that describes explaining facts about 2D animation as a medium for children's dental health education. The basic rule of qualitative examination is to process and investigate the collected information into precise, efficient, and organized information. 2D Animation as Educational Media for Children's Dental Health with the title "Lala and the Cookie Monster" uses 2D animation in the form of motion graphics which aims to provide education to children about how to care for and maintain teeth in reducing sugary foods or drinks. This 2D animation project is an Internship or Practical Work project carried out at PT. Creative Pillar of Technology and very useful for students, especially for Visual Communication Design students. Because here we get real work on how projects are being carried out at partners starting from the process of receiving data or briefs, brainstorming processes, and visualizing processes to finishing processes.
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